We are Manufacturer, Supplier,Service provider of Solar Rechargable Batteries, Grid Tied Systems, Solar Watering Pumping Solutions, Solar Power Plant Maintenance from Pune, Maharashtra, India.

  • Energy
  • Energy Efficiency
  • AMC – Annual Maintenance Contract
  • Environmental Project Management
  • Green Building Certifications
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Know your Energy status through a structured Energy audit by an expert and certified Energy Auditor, the service would also provide guidelines to potential energy saving areas and measure to improve efficiency with an ROI.

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Once the energy potential and areas where efficiency can be achieved, Helio Navitas would work through the implementation of Energy projects to achieve targeted Operating efficiency.


AMC (Annual Maintenance Contract e.g Solar Power Plant maintenance ) ts not just installation, We also believe to provide comprehensive AMC to improve the lifecycle of the equipment and maintain equipment in optimum running condition and to its best performance. Provide Alert for potential failure modes Ex. Solar Power Plant maintenance – Every solar PV plant is a long term investment. Which gives returns year after year. One has to ensure maximum return & safe asset value. If solar modules are not cleaned for a longer time, overall output will reduce, affecting revenues.

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Environmental targets can be achieved by driving projects in the residential, commercial or industrial by retrofitting plans for old facilities & implementing the green building concepts from design of the premises. Green Building Certification and carbon footprint analysis. Green buildings are the buildings or Homes that are more energy efficient, produces less waste and are healthier to be inside. It does not mean that they produce zero emission or totally green. Green Building certification systems.is a certification by different organisation / institutions that set-up standards to green building compliance.

There are two certifications currently available in India.

1. LEED INDIA along with other IGBC rating systems like IGBC Homes, IGBC Green factory building and IGBC Green Townships. These are all administered by Green Building Council based in Hyderabad. (https://www.igbc.in)

2. Green Rating for the Integrated Habitat Assessment or GRIHA ( https://www.grihaindia.org/)

We work with Clients to achieve their Green Building Rating (LEED/ IGBC) for New/ Existing building, residential, commercial, school etc. We also work with customers to analyze their carbon footprint and help in areas to reduce the same.